Workshop on Pork Identification using Multiplex Real-Time PCR to Support Halal Authentication

  1. Backgrounds

Public awareness regarding halal guarantees for consumed products has increased, supported by the Indonesian government through the establishment of the Halal Product Guarantee Organizing Agency (BPJPH) in Law No. 33 of 2014 concerning Halal Product Guarantees which aims to provide safety, security, comfort, and certainty. Availability of halal products for the public to consume and use as a food product as proven by a halal certificate. BPJPH will issue a halal certificate based on a written halal fatwa issued by the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI). This policy will not only be for food products, but also medicine.

The Halal Product Guarantee is an effort to regulate that products in Indonesia, both food and medicine, must be certified halal. Therefore, laboratory independence to be able to carry out testing using fast and valid methods needs to be developed. However, not all laboratories and analysts can carry out tests to support halal authentication.

Pork identification is one of the efforts to support halal authentication. This can be performed using DNA-based analysis with a sensitive and specific polymerase-chain reaction (PCR) method so that it can be used to distinguish the presence of pork contamination. However, this method requires a relatively long time because reporting results must use electrophoresis. Apart from that, isolating DNA from food products and pharmaceutical products has its own challenges, especially in products that have low DNA yield, such as gelatin, collagen, capsules, candy, and others. Therefore, the use of methods that are more sensitive and can be carried out with low DNA yield concentrations needs to be developed. One of these methods is real-time PCR. To minimize the time, and increase cost efficiency, real-time PCR to identify pork and bovine will be performed in a single tube or called multiplex real-time PCR.

Department of Pharmacy, Universitas Islam Indonesia in collaboration with PT Diastika Biotekindo is glad to invite you to attend our workshop on pork identification using multiplex real-time PCR to support halal authentication. In this workshop, we will introduce DNA isolation from food products, develop specific primers, and perform multiplex real-time PCR. This workshop is recommended for researchers or analysts targeting to isolate DNA from food products and using multiplex real-time PCR analysis. The practical session will provide participants with hands-on experiences in addressing DNA isolation, primer design, and multiplex real-time PCR analysis.

  1. Goals

By the end of this workshop, you will be able to perform:

  1. DNA isolation from food product
  2. Primer design and primer quality analysis
  3. DNA quantification and quality assessment
  4. Understanding and using multiplex real-time PCR.
  1. Workshop Committee

Cluster                  : Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Coordinator         : Rochmy Istikharah


    1. Anami Riastri
    2. Uzulul Hikmah
    3. Nangim Khasanah
    4. Yuliana Safitri


    1. apt. Rochmy Istikharah, M.Sc. (Genetics Research Center, Universitas Islam Indonesia)
    2. Elisabeth Maria, M.Sc. (Product Manager of Life Science Division, PT Diastika Biotekindo)


    1. Anami Riastri
    2. Uzulul Hikmah
    3. PT Diastika Biotekindo

Contact person      : Uzulul Hikmah (+62 813 3196 2194)

  1. Target of Participants

           Researchers, analysts, Lecturers and students

  1. Terms and Conditions

The workshops will be held with a minimum of 10 participants and a maximum 20 external participants

  1. Registration

Local participants

  Early bird* : 2.000.000 IDR
  Regular : 2.500.000 IDR

International participants

  Early bird* : 200 USD
  Regular : 250 USD

Early bird until August 14th, 2024

Participants facilities:

  • Workshop kit (bag, stationery, modules and workbook)
  • Laboratory coat (to be lent during the workshop)
  • Laptop (lent to those who don’t bring one)
  • Reagents during workshop
  • Knowledge and practice
  • Snacks and lunch
  • Attractive door prizes (including LPOMK UII testing voucher)
  1. Time and Place

Date          : Friday, 13 September 2024; 07.30 – 17.00 WIB

Place          : Laboratory of Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Laboratory of Data  Sains on the 3rd floor Integrated Laboratory Building, Universitas Islam Indonesia

8. Details of Activities

  1. The theoretical session will be held in the middle of the practical session
  2. Practical session:
    a. Food DNA isolation
    b. DNA quantification and quality assessment
    c. Primer design and primer quality analysis
    c. Multiplex real-time PCR

Thus, we have compiled this Term of Reference to provide an overview of the Workshop on Pork Identification.

Yogyakarta, 10 July 2024

Workshop Coordinator,

Dr. apt. Rochmy Istikharah, M.Sc.

Attachment 1. Tentative schedule


Workshop on Pork Identification Using Multiplex Real-Time PCR

to Support Halal Authentication

Friday, 13 September 2024

Waktu Program Penanggungjawab Lokasi
Time Program PIC Location
07.30 – 08.00 Registration and laboratory preparation Team Sains Data Lab
08.00 – 08.15 Opening Ceremony
08.15 – 09.00 Hands on Design specific primers and their quality check

Dr. apt. Rochmy Istikharah, M.Sc.

Facilitators (UII team)
09.00-09.15 Coffee break Facilitators: UII team
09.15 – 11.30 Hands on DNA isolation and real time PCR Facilitators:       UII team Pharmaceutical Chemistry Lab
11.30 – 13.15 Lunch break and prayer time Team Sains Data Lab
13.15 – 15.00 Multiplex Real-Time PCR

Ir. Elisabeth Maria H, M.Si.

Facilitators:       PT Diastika and UII team
15.00 – 15.30 Coffee break  and prayer time Team
15.30 – 16.30 Data analysis of real time PCR

Ir. Elisabeth Maria H, M.Si.

Facilitators:       PT Diastika and UII team
16.30 – 17.00 Closing remarks Workshop Coordinator